How can Economic Justice Australia’s community legal centres help?
The types of cases Economic Justice Australia member centres can assist with include:
Person’s income support payment has been cancelled
Why? What can be done to organise urgent reinstatement? What are the person’s appeal rights?
Social security and Family Assistance debts
Is the Centrelink debt valid? Are there grounds to appeal the debt? Are there grounds to waive recovery of the debt?
Mutual obligations
Are there grounds to appeal a non-payment penalty? Should the person have an exemption from mutual obligations?
Parenting Payment
Does the person’s Job Plan properly take into account the fact that the person’s child has a disability? Or that the person is a survivor of domestic violence?
Disability Support Pension
Should the person’s claim have been refused? Are there grounds to appeal?
Special Benefit
Is the person eligible? Does the person’s temporary visa attract payment?
Compensation preclusion periods
Can the person’s preclusion period be waived?
Appeals to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Are there grounds to appeal? What’s the process and time limit? What if the person can’t self-represent?
This information is also available as a PDF: Referral resource for financial counsellors.
Locate your nearest EJA member centre here.