Economic Justice Australia’s most recent posts:
- EJA response to DEWR discussion paper on employment services complaints service
- EJA submission to the Attorney-General’s consultation on the use of automated decision-making
- 2024-2025 Budget Submission
- Learning from past mistakes: Principles for safe use of automation in social security — Briefing #2
- Media Release: “People were giving up”: EJA welcomes new complaints model for employment services
- Media Release: EJA welcomes announcement of long-sought Centrepay reforms, which aim to eliminate financial abuse
- EJA submission to the Government Systems Abuse Audit
- PBAS & Incomplete Points: The points experiment has failed
- Media Release: “Setting people up to fail”: EJA expresses urgent concern over lack of support for children leaving detention
- No one left behind: Social security digitisation and barriers to access — Briefing #1
- Media Release: “The system punishes only the vulnerable”: EJA response to Robodebt Centralised Code of Conduct report
- EJA submission to the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee
- Media Release: EJA warns of “total system failure” if social security legal services not adequately funded
- Submission to the New Specialist Disability Employment Program
- Submission to Inquiry into the National Housing and Homelessness Plan Bill 2024 (No.2)