Our impact
Recent changes to social security law, policy and administration we have contributed to achieving:
Domestic violence and Centrelink
Our 2018 report ‘How well does Australia’s social security system support victims of domestic violence?’ led the government to make policy changes to better support victims of domestic violence.
Our advocacy following the release of our 2021 report, Debts, Duress and Dob-ins, has led to the inclusion of social security in the new National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032.
The Senate Committee report on the Fair Work Amendment (Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill 2022 cites our recommendation:
‘Increasing income support payments so women without stable employment (and access to paid FDV leave) can still have the financial security to leave abusive relationships.’
Our member community legal centres were on the frontline of helping people appeal Centrelink debts raised under the robodebt program. Our members provided regular media commentary and submissions on robodebt, highlighting its illegality and the impact it had on vulnerable people. In November 2019, the government announced that it would stop raising debts based solely on income averaging, which a Federal Court had declared illegal.
Disability Support Pension Reform
Numerous recommendations made in EJA’s submission to the Senate inquiry into the purpose, intent and adequacy of the Disability Support Pension were adopted in the Committee’s final report, released in February 2022, which heavily quoted evidence provided at the inquiry hearing by EJA and our member centre, Social Security Rights Victoria. By working closely with our members and disability peak organisations, we have developed a coherent policy platform to promote much needed reform.
See more details about Economic Justice Australia’s recommendations on Disability Support Pension Reform reflected in Senate Inquiry Final Report here.