Share Your Centrelink Story

Economic Justice Australia (EJA) is a community organisation that works to make Centrelink payments more effective and accessible.

We are interested in the experiences of all people who receive Centrelink payments. 


Before you provide your story, we want to make sure you know that:

  • We will manage the personal information you provide here carefully.
  • We will keep the personal information you provide here confidential and secure.
  • We will use your story to inform our advocacy agenda but will make sure you remain anonymous and cannot be identified.
  • We will not contact Centrelink to try to resolve your case.
  • We cannot offer any advice about your issue. If you would like to speak to a social security legal expert, we recommend contacting one of our members for free legal advice.

You can click here to read our Personal Information Collection Notice and our Privacy Policy.


Sometimes sharing your experience can raise difficult issues.

Legal Assistance

You can contact one of our member centres for free legal advice about Centrelink issues. Find your nearest legal centre here.

Support Services

If you have found revisiting your Centrelink experience difficult or distressing, you may want to seek some free support. These organisations are just a few of those that may be able to help.


24-hr crisis support line. 
Phone: 13 11 14 
Nightly text line: 0477 131 114

Beyond Blue

24/7 free, immediate, short-term counselling over the phone, email or webchat.
Phone: 1300 224 636


National domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service.
Phone: 1800 737 732

Suicide Call Back Service

24-hour counselling service for suicide prevention and mental health over the phone and telehealth.
Phone: 1300 659 467

National Debt Helpline

Not-For-Profit service that helps people tackle their debt problems. Professional financial counsellors offer a free, independent and confidential services.
Phone: 1800 007 007