MEDIA RELEASE: Launch of Economic Justice Australia
Today marks the launch of Economic Justice Australia, the organisation formerly known as the National Social Security Rights Network.
Economic Justice Australia provides expert advice to government on social security reform to strengthen its effectiveness and integrity and improve people’s lives by reducing poverty and inequality.
Leanne Ho, Executive Officer of Economic Justice Australia, said:
“Our vision is an Australia where we all have the economic support we need to get back on our feet when we hit life’s challenges.”
“Everyone has an equal right to receive economic support when life’s circumstances mean we can’t support ourselves. Access to social security is a human right set out in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”.
“Too often, people having problems with a Centrelink payment or a social security matter don’t even realise they have a legal issue, and that they can appeal against a Centrelink decision. A good example is ‘robodebts’ where many people paid the money back even though they knew that Centrelink was wrong, because they didn’t know they could ask for free legal help. We want people to know that they do have rights when dealing with Centrelink, and that the lawyers at our member centres can provide free help.”
Economic Justice Australia is the peak organisation for community legal centres providing free, specialist advice to people on their social security issues and rights. Economic Justice Australia’s 15 member community legal centres operate in every state and territory around Australia.
“Because of our members’ decades of frontline experience, we can make really informed recommendations to government,” said Ho. “Our work is shaping a more just social security system.”
For more information, see Economic Justice Australia’s website at
MEDIA CONTACT: Leanne Ho (Executive Officer) M: 0448 007 201 E: